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I have nothing, NOTHING to prove.

I don't have anything to demonstrate, unlike my childhood religion made me believe, because it was based on their configuration not mine; I don't have anything or anybody to convince; I don't even have to explain anything; I don't have any tests in life that I must pass; I have nothing, NOTHING to prove, because I have an open heart center in my bodygraph [Human Design Chart]. As for you, I don't know. But those are my facts. If the above is true, I don't even need a claim-of-life to certify where I was born so I can travel my whirld; I don't need to write sentences in frontwards-backwards-certifiable-grammar to prove my point; and that's what pissed me off so much because I was trying to prove myself, but it was not-[my]-self that I tried to [pro]ve. If I cannot find something, it's not because I ahven't tried hard enough; it's just because I don't [f]actually need to find the facts on the material plane; I only need to know, ~28.4 what&

Coconut oil is NOT for oil pullling; refined sunflower or sesame oil are

This is a transcript from an interview with Robert Von Sarbacher, transcribed with my own inserts and grammatically similar but not exact, from the time-stamp, approximately 51:00 through 54:53. [ Coconut oil does not work for oil pulling! does not pull poisons out of the blood, only the two above work [refined sesame or refined sunflower oil]. this research is from the 60's. the last time a guy put together the symposium for naturalpaths and doctors... even Dr. Christopher says Coconut oil will never pull poisons out of your body. as people 'age' their teeth start to point the wrong angle toward the gums and lips... the FLOW OF THE TEETH-JAW-GUM direction is healthy going towards the teeth; vice versa. Alternative dentists know about this. the way that jaw-to-gum-to-teeth work, the nutrients are always going in one [parallel] direction. when you start to have opposite directions the nutrients are going in opposite flow. you can measure this with proper alternative  dentist

Night-shocks from power-lines- SOLVED:

I think this is what has been bothering me. It's my car and my fault and I have the power to solve it. Paint is an insulator not a conductor. A/C current goes anywhere from powerlines or roof houses to reach ground, if it's called there. My car is usually parked with the hood next to the metal house roof.   It seems there's a bad ground-wire or ground connection on the battery, because the solenoid is clicking often. But now that my teeth are touching better, my body isn't drawing as much current when we're moving, into my stomach.   My car's paint is not in great condition from lack of wax care, and there's a scrape on the bottom right edge which probably is trying to ground the electricity from the roof and hood when it is wet with dew at night and morning, which is when I was feeling the shocks inside the house, standing on double-wood-flooring which acts like a capacitor to draw current thru my head of the metal roof into the water below the house; the C

Global-changes, I see, for this December,-~2023 through march,-~2024:

  what i see for this December,-~2023 through march,-~2024: * financial-depression based on false premises; large-scale; the cabal trying to implement their hunger-games, like 2020 again; * a blackout in Boston, artificially-caused by weather-manipulation of course; natural gas will soar and be the most dependable 'backup' because 'we don't have renewables in place yet' * disaster-capitalism and steak-holder-capitalism = giving angry people stock in a company just because they cause riots and protests based on thoughts they've been fed to think; * implementation of the central banks digital currency, drop of the cash-dollar-value completely, by this March. Solution: get a claim of the life at Bank with a new system.

CBDC against cash

"Depending on the specific details of how they are configured, CBDCs and some kinds of crypto assets can be more energy-efficient than much of the current payment landscape, including credit and debit cards,"  translation of the words, "Energy Efficient": Agenda 30 sees you as a carbon-based-form, and a dead-entity under maritime law. They want to diminish the free-will that would elevate mankind away from the deterministic, materialistic, paradigm that material circumstances are in control of your choices by implementing scalar-weapons and nanotechnology to mind-control and continue to fragment the collective-consciousness on this planet;  They want to blame you for being a casualty on their battlefield in their war-on-carbon, because after all you're carbon and you're participating in their shipping-war. China has had no authorization to develop the CBDC currency.  

Lack-of-possessiveness in the public-thought is dangerous

 "Just got back from the gym." "Got married." "Went to Narnia and came back alive with a coat of many colors."   I've noticed recently that many people are dropping the possessive, "I" to communicate with each other; it's as if the public is afraid to be possessive, or own anything, because agenda 30 is programming the masses via mind-control tactics such as "you'll be poor and not own anything, but you'll be happy." Or "we're all in this [whatever mess that is] together."  or "the war on carbon [you]" Possessives are boundaries. If your whirld, which is your verb-manifestation of your thoughts, lacks possessives, your world cannot be in your best interest; it will always be invisibly in someone else's best-[in]terest; those who would like you to be silent, mocked, and [a]liens [no-land-owners].   "As it is written so it is done." Truth is only communicated between two people if it i

Reliving childhood traumas, large or small, to heal and love self and other-self

I asked myself: What made me afraid in my childhood, of asking or changing deals in the moment, when my spleen says so? The fear of being shamed/wrong/changing my mind? for what?  I asked myself... this is one of the images that came to mind... For running out of gas; making mom run out of gas while going to MSO (orchestra) because I forgot my sheet music at home because I didn't want to go and play anymore, and then sitting in the pews feeling ostracized by the orchestra while I waited for mom to go home and get the music and come back, and she said I would have to pay for gas so I felt powerless... Many, but not everyone on Earth, has traumas from little micro-events that add up in our nervous system, and manifest as physical problems that we don't know how to fix on the material plane because our soul wants to fix them where they started first, which is in the realm of the invisible, the feeling, the emotion, nervous system, spleen maybe; the thoughts and feelings we imbibe

The split and my teeth; fragmented bondings, fragmented commitments, self-knowledge, seeing-correct

I thought I needed braces, but I really needed a filling to fix a fragmented bonding. I blamed everyone, because I was disconnected from my stomach and my lungs and crucial organs. I didn't realize how much I couldn't smell or taste. I became a better cook to compensate, for sure. It was just an experience. Ignorance of the self has its price. Every hu-man is powerful, but self-destructive if we cannot see correct. Seeing is being. My lungs, large intestine, things weren't functioning correct. That was the beginning of the split in consciousness. Or it was me holding on, by failing to confront the root of the problem. We must work together. But we must also know ourselves to be able to collaborate with the other, selfs.


[ 1:  I stopped eating grains including oatmeal [unfortunately] because they have the highest concentration of nano-materials from chemtrails-fallout, NASA spraying chemicals and metals in the air to "see where the weather patterns go" and nano-materials used to monitor growth and insect populations on produce from remote-control. All produce has the most nanos, but most of all is grains. Learned about this from Tony Pantelleresco.  Pizza usually has a lot of rice in it even if it's gluten-free, unfortunately. The bloating and brain-fog went away fast when I stopped eating grains. [rice, oatmeal, etc] 2: I also avoid gluten. It took a long time for me to find the foods I needed without that, but once I figured out what my body needs and how to get it without gluten, THAT CHANGED MY LIFE.  Before that, I was always sneezing, and I live in Florida. Astrologically, it's right on my Saturn location, which means I have a lot of power opposing my stomach [my Chiron]. That&#

Living on the Channel-of-Discovery

 I live in the upper-East side of my neighborhood, Azalea park. This is correlative with the map of the human body, the bodygraph, in the same orientation; gate 29 matches the name of the neighborhood, Lake Barton Shores, but the lake is south of me, and our house is in the location of gate-~46, the love of the flesh; there are lots of power-lines and we're West of the highway, which is the bargain, ~37-~40, people looking for their Way on the material plane. There's a sign over the highway that says "I Chose Reputation" which means "I chose to live in transference, avoiding my own truth in my solar plexus, and this is a sign showing where others can follow me in my delusion." My body is always feeling like I'm in a dishwasher when I'm here, because it's connecting 46 with my 29.3 to the power lines and hot-boxes, electricity, electronics in our house, our new metal roof, the solar panels, gadgets and gizmos. So when I sleep in my car by Little L

Intention versus Desire: Goals and their Manifestation/Fruition

[ Something I learned from Reality Transurfing: Intention is the focus on the doing of the system [process] which gives one the desired result as an added benefit or as a given/consequence of the system.  Desire, is a surplus-power with the focus on a goal, with a distortion of the goal, itself. Desire is formed from focusing on a goal that may not really be true to us, true with our vibration, like a wheel is trued to match its own bicycle, or simply for the match of its highest-straightness-potential. When you ENJOY what you are doing, you naturally focus on the steps to get something done, instead of only the end-goal. The cabal wants people to focus their lives on end-goals, and distractive-desires, because then they are hopeless, or faithful in something else than their true-selves. They hope and project that hope onto the hegelian dialecticism of the cabal. So don't do that. Be your self. Know who you are. ]  

What are the largest economic-factors or quantum-choices in my life, that could positively help others?

What are the largest economic-factors or quantum-choices in my life, that could positively help others, and are equivalent or similar to the magnitude of when I chose to 'stop working' in 2020 coinciding with a plandemic? and then mentally chose to default on my loans payments because the government was offering a 'future' state of 'forgiveness'? What choices could I make that will impact not onli myself but, by the law of squares, everyone else in my fractal-kinetic-field/ my life? ~1: Offering all my knowledge, and everything I've mastered, and services-to-others without any conditions, so that I flood the world with an open-system dynamic instead of a closed-economic-capacitance-system. Openness. Offering it while keeping my capability to choose how I perform those services, but being unconditional about how much I must be compensated by the other, thus stepping out of the Rothschild's paradigm of limited-capacitance or rational-compensation, unlimiti

Several things that Humanity does not need from the cabal

Humans do not need to go to mars in 2030, in order to find some habitation. The Earth does not need to be depopulated in favor of the technocracy, which themselves are controlled by an satanic ancient terrestrial AI. Mars is a trap, a dead-end, a detour, a fakery. The cabal wants slavery to continue, but WE get to choose where the future goes, not them. We do not need to colonize another planet. This planet is not doomed. We do not need to digitize the human intellect in India in 2030.  We do not need higher-bandwidth 5G ionizing weapon, to wipe out our respiratory system, reproductive system, arteries, and heart. There would be no need for artificial lungs to be created in a lab in the future, if we knew that the virus was not a virus but a nanotechnology weapon. Start from the foundation and the facts, not the false-premises. Elon Musk is not a savior, he's just another controlled-opposition. We do not need a false-flag threat of alien-invasion; the aliens are already here, and

on the Digital dollar, and the possible Biden July 26 announcement:

The dollar has already been dropping like a fly the past few years. Installing a new fiat-currency dollar that is based on block-chain will help them do things like: - ban you from buying foods that the government dislikes, like red meat - ban you from buying books they don't ap-prove - make choices for you - control your transactions like a child - give you an allowance like a child, like they've already done with the plandemic. That's not the type of 'homeland security' I signed up for in America. Be conscious of what you want and choose consciously. Choose to value yourself based on things that are timeless, not tied to the vatican's trickery of using time to devalue money and your human-sweat-equity. Time is a control mechanism to control debt in the world, so the subterranean tenants can profit from the lack of self-value. The world outside of the US has been hating on America since we pulled out of Afghanistan and see America as the bully. The US has been

Knowledge is a double-edged sword

Knowledge is a double-edged sword on which many impale themselves. The mind onli knows how to cut and separate, because as itself alone, can never have or be anything of its own, it can onli cut everything else that is sees as the outer jungle. The mind can onli grasp things in duality, and loses sight of what is known deeper. Thus it is a tool as a veil that covers, and a tool as one that cuts, but never as one that knows what is meant to be covered, and what is meant to be cut. Wisdom is necessary to guide knowledge, else it becomes abuse of power. 'What is a good man but a bad man's teacher? What is a bad man but a good man's job? If you don't understand this, you will get lost, however intelligent you are.: It is the great secret.' Lao Tzu

Electrolytes, adding them to water for hydration

  Summer time. A lot of people have electrolytes imbalances. I drank distilled water for a while and I'm pretty sure it removed a lot of minerals, making me dehydrated when I thought I was hydrating. Which was dumb. Tri-salts can be added to water if you can't get natural or spring water. It is sad that water is sold in stores, when it is the most abundant and crucial element of human life and biology. But that's the way it is for city-dwellers. Tap water contains carcinogens, everywhere I've lived it's been that way. The municipal water is poisonous. Tapwater database: local-search:

Bashar's Follow-Your-Excitement-Formula: Syntax-Grammar-Translation.

For the driving-force and formative-natural-corrective-principle  of my highest-joy/[ex]citement and consistent-high-vibration-lifestyle-manifestation IS with the most-thrilling-doings [activities] by my momentari-choices.

2/4 hermit-opportunist not-self =

unconsciously feeling unaccepted > distracting myself with computer problems, or making music on my computer, all alone, when I could be working a job at BestBuy meeting people or going out to events like gymnastics, parks, etc. getting caught up in my little projector lack-of-energy problems with what to get or not get from the store that I cannot afford because I'm just focused on my own tiny problems instead of working with generators and seeing who they are, what they need, because unconsciously I felt that they didn't see what I saw them for last time. But the fact is nobody can see what i see, the way I see it.

Radiant Power produced by solid state Tesla hairpin circuit.

Nutrition for weight-loss

I lost a lot of weight but my thinking and clarity shot through the roof when I stopped eating processed sugar [any white sugar] and also wheat. Wheat is a neurotoxin and it also doesn't sit well in my intestinal-absorption styled body.  Conversation from " Yazhi : Very good, with the hummus too, yummy chickpeas. If you remove wheat in all its forms from your diet, I guarantee that in a few weeks, two weeks at the earliest, you will see strong results of weight loss, improved figure and more energy. It may be sooner than two weeks, but the process takes at least 7 days, to start purifying, so I'm not saying a week. But no cheating or days of eating everything. Wheat is also a neurotoxic that produces mental fatigue, clouded thoughts, forgetfulness of things and names, and total lack of mental agility. Continue with your exercises, training, eat super well and none of the above, stick to eggs and all that is healthy, and you will see a change. But yes

“Power of Copper” – Tony Pantalleresco

  “Power of Copper” – Tony Pantalleresco How to make copper-sulfate Purpose: Copper goes into the tissue, part of the kreb’s-cycle: purpose; flush-out nanos.   Method-~1: Aspirin + colloidial copper. Spread on your face = anti-tumor, anti-chemtrails, nanos and skin-stuff. Put some tape on the skin, and then place it on paper; look at the nanos on there; many different hues of color and strands, wires. Icky.   Method-~2: In a boiled water jar: Copper + 2grams of aspirin. Any amount of copper, just a bit. Don’t boil the copper in a metal container, else it will absorb/penetrate.   Method-~3: Pinch of citric acid/vinegar/lemon juice/lime juice, laptop charger, go until 45ppm measurement of citric-acid in the water. Clip on the copper electrodes on the cup of water.   (use regular copper wire from the store)   Copper, neuralgia, Aluminum is in peptobismal.   Fun-facts on the Copper Copper helps produce SOD

follow your excitement - Bashar

​ At some point in your life you were taught, or inferred, or were hypnotized to think that following your excitement/bliss highest joy in every moment was wrong, sinful, or copywrited, or harmful. So I stopped following it and tried to follow everyone else. And much to my dismay and demise, but also some spiritual growth, I found it was not what I wanted. Nobody else had what I wanted to be when I wanted to be it; I was always out of sync with me. So now I just follow my excitement and I can say happily that I haven't felt so free since I took the risk to transfer to a new college in 2014, or when I was in love just before that. I've found many pieces of my soul in the mean time, but i don't have time left for being mean to myself and neither does this world need that from me.

Beets + Carrots = HGH

If you eat beets and carrots together it produces the human growth hormone, making you feel like a teenager again. Also increases men's testosterone, might increase melatonin, beets clean and thin blood, and they also re-write damaged DNA.  Robert Von Sharbacher says they're the most detoxing food known to mankind. The medical medium would disagree and prefers celery but beets are the classic detox food.  Just don't eat them with heavy fats at the same time. Sweet + fat is hard for the liver to process simultaneously.   Robert von Sarbacher: How The Mini Beet Protocol Heals Wrinkles & Much More! - YouTube Major Heart Protocols by Robert von Sarbacher – Extreme Health Radio   Super Veggie Drink Recipe by Robert von Sarbacher – Extreme Health Radio

Teeth and facial-structure: nutrition-summary-guide:

This article summarizes multiple factors which concern the health and nutrition of the face, including vitamins, location, and environmental stressors. Vitamin K places the calcium in the teeth and face and tissues in the right place. Whereas, eating lots of calcium from cheese alone, which is in this day and age deficient of vitamin K, lacks the correct structure-building materials. In other words, Vitamin K is the blueprint for a building's structure, while calcium is the cement which fills in the structure. Without a blueprint it's just a mush pile of cement. Our food sources have been compromised for decades when it comes to vitamin K, because of soil depletion, surplus nitrogen in the soil.  The grass on which the animals feed, lacks nutrients. Without vitamin K, the facial structure and sutures collapse inward along with the teeth, if there is too much pressure from the spine, such as bending forward staring at a cell phone or being bent over much of the time, as our