I don't have anything to demonstrate, unlike my childhood religion made me believe, because it was based on their configuration not mine;
I don't have anything or anybody to convince;
I don't even have to explain anything;
I don't have any tests in life that I must pass;
I have nothing, NOTHING to prove, because I have an open heart center in my bodygraph [Human Design Chart]. As for you, I don't know. But those are my facts.
If the above is true, I don't even need a claim-of-life to certify where I was born so I can travel my whirld; I don't need to write sentences in frontwards-backwards-certifiable-grammar to prove my point; and that's what pissed me off so much because I was trying to prove myself, but it was not-[my]-self that I tried to [pro]ve.
If I cannot find something, it's not because I ahven't tried hard enough; it's just because I don't [f]actually need to find the facts on the material plane; I only need to know, ~28.4 what's the truth for me, in my spleen, in the moment.
Synonyms of [Pro]ve, since Prove is a negative-context-word:
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