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Teeth and facial-structure: nutrition-summary-guide:

This article summarizes multiple factors which concern the health and nutrition of the face, including vitamins, location, and environmental stressors.

Vitamin K places the calcium in the teeth and face and tissues in the right place. Whereas, eating lots of calcium from cheese alone, which is in this day and age deficient of vitamin K, lacks the correct structure-building materials. In other words, Vitamin K is the blueprint for a building's structure, while calcium is the cement which fills in the structure. Without a blueprint it's just a mush pile of cement.

Our food sources have been compromised for decades when it comes to vitamin K, because of soil depletion, surplus nitrogen in the soil.  The grass on which the animals feed, lacks nutrients.
Without vitamin K, the facial structure and sutures collapse inward along with the teeth, if there is too much pressure from the spine, such as bending forward staring at a cell phone or being bent over much of the time, as our current human-culture is conditioned.

The face also needs vitamin A, and vitamin C to rebuild muscle and nerves. Sweet-Potatoes, carrots, chili powder, milk and cheeses are high in vitamin A.

Collagen is the most common structure found in the human body, comprising the connective tissues which communicate nerve signals all the way from head to toe. This nutrient is found in animal products and particularly bones. It is hard to get or create on a plant-based diet, because most people's synthesis of amino proteins is compromised by our nutrient-deficient and poisoned environment causing damage to the intestines absorption and creation of proteins. However if you eat foods high in the amino acid proline, such as Asparagus, this may help accelerate the body's capability to synthesize the 9 essential amino acids. Most greens have vitamin K MK-7, but very few have the specific chain, Vitamin K MK-4 found in animal products, which helps with circulation, plays a vital role in blood-clotting, and places the calcium in the right place; in the bone/teeth not the surrounding tissues! 

Reabsorption of calcium will occur if the body doesn't have enough calcium intake. In 2016 I stopped drinking milk after drinking it all my life, and suddenly my calcium and vitamin A levels went down. Vitamin A helps rebuild bone. That along with other stress in my life, my teeth started to collapse.

Other factors such as inflammation caused by gluten-containing products, will demise the nutrient absorption in the intestines.

Another key component, today, is emf’s. Electromagnetic fields. Power lines, electronics, unshielded copper wires, these things all create fields of pulsing waves, which interfere with the structure of the body. In particular, there are many studies done on VGCC, voltage gated calcium channels. I’ve noticed that sleeping in a particular room in my house which is closest to the power lines, may have been connected with surplus pressure on my teeth. VGCC’s cause damage to and prevent the structure of calcium from doing it’s job, which is to communicate between nerves, and send signals via hormones.

Being wary of how emf’s affect your body is a step up from being unware. Any room where you feel tense, may be a sign that the infrastructure there was poorly designed, or there are too many electronics or powerlines creating interference. Thin and wiry framed bodies like myself are more sensitive because fat is an insulator, and like water, it is made of protein which holds water.

Traditional Chinese Medicine recognizes meridians, paths of energy which are not recognized by Western medicine. It can offer a visual map of the purpose of each tooth, as it corresponds to the organs in the body. The meridians of the body all depend on the electromagnetic flow of energy for which the teeth function as circuit breaker of the house i.e. body; when one tooth is out of position the voltage is skewed and the corresponding organs are potentially disconnected or overstimulated by that tooth's nerve. This is also why electromagnetic fields can impact a person's nervous system.

9-11pm is when I can feel my teeth and face rebuilding its structure. It is when the pericardium or outer tissue of the heart is healed.  When I have taken supplemental Vitamin K and/or vitamin A from foods like sweet potatos the face is very solid even before evening.

Without a healthy face, the nervous system, digestion, response mechanism, and breathing are ultimately compromised.

The Dental Diet by Dr. Steven Lin
Vitamin K-2, MK-4:
EMF's, and Voltage-gated calcium channels:



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