1: I stopped eating grains including oatmeal [unfortunately] because they have the highest concentration of nano-materials from chemtrails-fallout, NASA spraying chemicals and metals in the air to "see where the weather patterns go" and nano-materials used to monitor growth and insect populations on produce from remote-control.
All produce has the most nanos, but most of all is grains. Learned about this from Tony Pantelleresco.
Pizza usually has a lot of rice in it even if it's gluten-free, unfortunately.
The bloating and brain-fog went away fast when I stopped eating grains. [rice, oatmeal, etc]
2: I also avoid gluten. It took a long time for me to find the foods I needed without that, but once I figured out what my body needs and how to get it without gluten, THAT CHANGED MY LIFE.
Before that, I was always sneezing, and I live in Florida. Astrologically, it's right on my Saturn location, which means I have a lot of power opposing my stomach [my Chiron]. That's what I surmised from Human Design and Astrocartography put together.
No more runny noses! I can pet cats without getting sick. Etc. It's wonderful.
3: Ideally juicing should be part of anyone's diet if they can afford it. The enzymes are most abundant in juiced form, and most foods these days lack sufficient enzymes for the best digestion.
4: Food combinations. Ayurveda food combinations has been very helpful, and all the principles are very helpful for the strategic-minded cook. Avoiding combos like cheese with eggs when possible, or fruit with cheese at the same meal.
is a poison, it's used as population-mind-control, for hundreds of years, originating in Egypt, with bread, fed to the workers with sand on it to wear down their teeth. It wreaked havoc on
my bowels until I quit in 2021. Since then it's been sky-high.
eat lots of root-vegetables, because they don't have nano-materials,
although they do have silica which was the old infrastructure of the
nanomaterials-transmission-lines, before graphene.
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