This is a transcript from an interview with Robert Von Sarbacher, transcribed with my own inserts and grammatically similar but not exact, from the time-stamp, approximately 51:00 through 54:53.
Coconut oil does not work for oil pulling! does not pull poisons out of the blood, only the two above work [refined sesame or refined sunflower oil].
this research is from the 60's. the last time a guy put together the symposium for naturalpaths and doctors... even Dr. Christopher says Coconut oil will never pull poisons out of your body.
as people 'age' their teeth start to point the wrong angle toward the gums and lips... the
FLOW OF THE TEETH-JAW-GUM direction is healthy going towards the teeth; vice versa. Alternative dentists know about this.
the way that jaw-to-gum-to-teeth work, the nutrients are always going in one [parallel] direction. when you start to have opposite directions the nutrients are going in opposite flow. you can measure this with proper alternative dentists. You'll never see a regular dentist learn anything about this. but if you ever want an example of how it works, eat raw vegetables for 4 days and watch how raw power is flowing thru your teeth as if arteries were flowing thru your teeth; why? because bone-veins flowing out from the teeth, which supply nutrients to the teeth, but when the teeth are starting to, over the hill, they go the opposite direction from the teeth to the jaw to the rest of the body. oil pulling helps nutrients as well as rid poisons.
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