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Several things that Humanity does not need from the cabal

Humans do not need to go to mars in 2030, in order to find some habitation. The Earth does not need to be depopulated in favor of the technocracy, which themselves are controlled by an satanic ancient terrestrial AI. Mars is a trap, a dead-end, a detour, a fakery. The cabal wants slavery to continue, but WE get to choose where the future goes, not them.

We do not need to colonize another planet. This planet is not doomed.

We do not need to digitize the human intellect in India in 2030. 

We do not need higher-bandwidth 5G ionizing weapon, to wipe out our respiratory system, reproductive system, arteries, and heart.

There would be no need for artificial lungs to be created in a lab in the future, if we knew that the virus was not a virus but a nanotechnology weapon. Start from the foundation and the facts, not the false-premises.

Elon Musk is not a savior, he's just another controlled-opposition.

We do not need a false-flag threat of alien-invasion; the aliens are already here, and in the orbit, and they are just more of us.

We do not need a new financial system to replace paper money and devalue us further.

We do not need pedophilia being legalized in the name of 'equality' and 'acceptance.' ac- and eq- are negative-context-prefixes.

We do not need more hegelian dialectica, the pitting of two factions against each other to make up our minds.

Unless of course, that is what you have chosen, for your reality. Choose wisely, and make a conscious choice. You are the creator of your past and future by your thoughts and actions.


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