I live in the upper-East side of my neighborhood, Azalea park. This is correlative with the map of the human body, the bodygraph, in the same orientation; gate 29 matches the name of the neighborhood, Lake Barton Shores, but the lake is south of me, and our house is in the location of gate-~46, the love of the flesh; there are lots of power-lines and we're West of the highway, which is the bargain, ~37-~40, people looking for their Way on the material plane. There's a sign over the highway that says "I Chose Reputation" which means "I chose to live in transference, avoiding my own truth in my solar plexus, and this is a sign showing where others can follow me in my delusion."
My body is always feeling like I'm in a dishwasher when I'm here, because it's connecting 46 with my 29.3 to the power lines and hot-boxes, electricity, electronics in our house, our new metal roof, the solar panels, gadgets and gizmos.
So when I sleep in my car by Little Lake Barton Shores, it's like heaven. Actually, that's the name of the restaurant down there; Hotdog Heaven.
All this to say that, where we live is an veritable-map, a direct-correlation of our consciousness; and every location in space and the perception of time, is the direct-correlation of our thoughts, with the illusion of our going to and from that place, from the perspective of the 3-D viewer, the self.
Every time-travel machine that will be [re]leased in 2027 is pendant on the gravitational-manipulation of the self's central or focal-space, and thus the perciever's location in the perspective, time.
Knowledge is a double-edged sword on which many impale themselves. The mind onli knows how to cut and separate, because as itself alone, can never have or be anything of its own, it can onli cut everything else that is sees as the outer jungle. The mind can onli grasp things in duality, and loses sight of what is known deeper. Thus it is a tool as a veil that covers, and a tool as one that cuts, but never as one that knows what is meant to be covered, and what is meant to be cut. Wisdom is necessary to guide knowledge, else it becomes abuse of power. 'What is a good man but a bad man's teacher? What is a bad man but a good man's job? If you don't understand this, you will get lost, however intelligent you are.: It is the great secret.' Lao Tzu https://www.organism.earth/library/document/tao-te-ching
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