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Root-canal-teeth may hinder Orthodontics treatment; Faster healing with Rife frequencies (continued from prev. post)

This is a summary of the things I've discovered from orthodontic treatment, and dental treatment, including what both of them could not see, and solutions I've found. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION: Ortho patients can stimulate their bones with 120 hz, gums with 85 hz, on a tone-generator rather than wait until the Chinese meridian activation at 7-9pm to stimulate tissue-regrowth, and; neither the dentist or the orthodontist realized that my bite was off because my root-canal-tooth is fractured or dead and slipping. That was up to me to see and respond to. DOCUMENT: Society and the health care systems function based on commonly held beliefs, or principles, which are often assumptions or gaps. People live in a state of delusion, surfing on the ice of things without getting to the roots of the problems. I couldn't get the correct treatment for my teeth because I was expecting the orthodontist to know what to do, and he was expecting the dentist to know what is in their domain, and vice v
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