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Root-canal-teeth may hinder Orthodontics treatment; Faster healing with Rife frequencies (continued from prev. post)

This is a summary of the things I've discovered from orthodontic treatment, and dental treatment, including what both of them could not see, and solutions I've found.

SUMMARY/CONCLUSION: Ortho patients can stimulate their bones with 120 hz, gums with 85 hz, on a tone-generator rather than wait until the Chinese meridian activation at 7-9pm to stimulate tissue-regrowth, and; neither the dentist or the orthodontist realized that my bite was off because my root-canal-tooth is fractured or dead and slipping. That was up to me to see and respond to.


Society and the health care systems function based on commonly held beliefs, or principles, which are often assumptions or gaps. People live in a state of delusion, surfing on the ice of things without getting to the roots of the problems.

I couldn't get the correct treatment for my teeth because I was expecting the orthodontist to know what to do, and he was expecting the dentist to know what is in their domain, and vice versa; yet neither of them could see why my teeth and bite kept slipping, which was due to a loose root-canal-treated tooth. This reflects an unconscious lack of agency or rejection of parenting/sex/creative-cooperation.

The tooth, being essentially dead, does not stimulate the nerve enough to grow the tissues by itself, at least in my case. It probably got fractured a long time ago. This is also why I had allergies, because that is on the meridian of the stomach, with resonance to the spleen, which cleans the lymph, which carries the inflammatory substances from foods and environment.. also because most root canal therapies fail after 5 years, in other words, a fracture and thus lack of nerve-stimulation and/or infection was not completely sterilized. I know a professional endodontist should be able to prevent re-infection. But since the tooth is brittle and cannot rebuild itself with calcium or phosphorous, it essentially doesn't stimulate the ligament or white blood cells around it, keeping it from being strong and upright, thus the shifting of the WHOLE mouth due to one overlooked factor.

It would be ideal if dentists and orthodontists could be the sum of their parts, that their areas of knowledge could cover the sum total of the problems in oral health and function, but that is of course asking for a lot. But I think society is moving in that direction pretty soon.

And that is why problems like this have given me a spiritual journey which has helped me cultivate myself.

The body is a dynamic, whole thing. It can be seen as modular or disjunct with the intellect, but it really is more than a sum of its parts. Therefore, when teeth move, other parts of the body including the skull are affected as well. So having a good smile, may cause a good result in the facial characteristics, yet if the smile itself does not correspond with the patterns of that person's overall tendencies or other physical needs, perhaps it will be discordant with the rest of the body, even if the mismatch is tolerable. However that is all a function of the patient's overall health and lifestyle, and their spiritual growth.

Certain things have a priority which change the secondary constants, without themselves being manipulated. That is why sound frequencies can stimulate the body to heal the gums and tissues, decreasing the treatment time and pain, because sound is fundamental to matter, but matter is not primary to sound.

I've used the Chinese-organ-body-clock along with frequency tone generator on my phone. I found that listening to 85 hertz compensates for that tooth's inability to regenerate the gums (since it is either fractured or just not able to stimulate the ligament or tissues), and thus straightens my jaw to a mostly-correct and natural position, relieving the weight on my stomach which corresponds to that energy meridian. Also, listening to the solar plexus frequency has a positive effect on my teeth position, since the nature of my maxilla is quite loose, or the bone density or cementum is lacking solidity.


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