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Joe's economic journal

 Joe's economic journal:

Autumn: low on cash again; the tires went out at the beginning of September; things are definitely squaring away. How do i find my value if I've run out again? According ot the Silent Weapons for Wars, my best bet is in the economic model of SERVICES which represents the coil. what do I know about coils? That's what an antenna is. I need to be okay with being stationary, and just knowing things. But how do I increase my economic capacitance with others? funnels didn't work. Only things that I do for my network, like making music, sometimes worked. And usually when I was excited to do them. But that still may not be the most ideal, making music on bandcamp is in my past now. What's now? What does my network/market, that fractal need?  

Am I torn between being a projector versus being part of society and working when I need to? I better be open to whatever I need to do. But I just feel like I wanted to be home more, rather than driving around aimlessly. So I'm okay with the car being down again. It's the finickyness of what's coming in the Sleeping Phoenix.

What can I do that excites me? whether or not it is money-based... and is still connected to my mission of saving lives. I've already applied to so many jobs I thought would be a good fit. but my spleen knows better. Applying to jobs is like going from 2nd line to 5th line, projections. It's just an illusion. Real work if I need it, comes through my 4th line network.

Outside sales
Web-Design, Front-end, CSS & HTML.
C++ and Java programming
Podcast editing / audio editing / music composition    Piano / Organ
Watercolour, Acrylic, Gouche painting + digital painting
Podcast-music-composition (for a client)
Legal knowledge of quantum-grammar, court systems, sovereignty, maritime law, etc.

what's now? fractal-fruit of the now-space?
consciousness > make a game about... > but that's PRODUCT[ION]. I need: SERVICES. WHat kind of services can I transmit/be called on now?

I don't know until someone recognizes me. But I have to separate what my mind thinks I should be recognized for, from what I am BEING. If my aura is what gets recognized, then the factors that determine that are:

how I'm being;
what I'm enjoying/loving/truly attracted to doing in a stationary setting;
which is usually: sound or truth-based; gate ~28;

maybe I don't need to manage to get more money...but I do want to be part of society, and it is mostly online these days... so I"m going to participate in some game jams as a way of learning, but also share my music...

I'm not a composer... my ideal environment is with some pressure like driving or on-stage; but I've got to open up to God/life/reality to connect me with the most exciting thing, which is where the cash will be, as well as the food I need, and the people and the ability to share the things I know, and 'save' or guide other people.

Where is my sense of community located now?


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