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'Thyroid Healing' herbs and foods to restore your energy

 Food and Health post, based on Anthony Williams book, 'Thyroid Healing'

Over 90% of the population has Epstein-Barr virus. Originally, in the early 1900's, it was a benign virus. Not all viruses are malignant. But as it morphed over the years, it's what is causing so many people's inflammation. It feeds on hormones when you're in a stressful situation. Or it feeds on certain foods.

Many people are misdiagnosed with things like "autoimmune" which is itself an oxymoron, because our immune system never attacks itself; but it might seem like it's going in circles if it has to keep turning on, and the doctors can't specify what exactly it is reacting to.

Some foods that fuel EBV:

Gluten > fuels pathogens (viruses are pathogens)
Gluten is also 10x more inflammatory than cane sugar.

Canola: they fed it to the cows, and the cows died; they fed it to plants, and the plants died; they fed it to you; why are you still eating it? because it's cheap for manufacturers to preserve foods on the shelf.

Corn: in the 1930's and 1940's they started using much much more pesticides on crops.


Pork: I rememnber having pork at college, either on the buffet or from a Hot Pocket, and then not sleeping well that night.

Foods that are anti-viral, good for getting rid of EBV:


Hemp seeds

Cilantro [takes the heavy metals out of you; every time I eat Cilantro it makes me feel yucky, but that's probably partly because it's triggering the body to get rid of the heavy metals; after eating something more, your taste changes toward it because the body adjusts; this definitely happed with me and beets. I didn't' like them at first but now I do. They are the heavy hitter for detoxing. They're like the Rolls Royce of detox according to Anthony William. I always eat apples right after eating beets, because it cleans out and softens the blow.]


Coconut: antiviral

Mangoes: "Contain a tremendous amount of carotene [vit A] to restore the spleen and liver, feed the brain, and purge the lymphatic system of EBV waste-matter toxins. Also provides bioactive magnesium and glucose that calm nerves to aid in sleep issues caused by EBV."

Lemons and limes: "Improve digestion by raising levels of hydrochloric acid (good acid) in the gut."

Onions and Scallions
Oranges and tangerines: William says citrus is the best source of Calcium. (qualitatively? versus dairy, I guess?)


Radishes: "An antiviral food that holds the magical sulfur that retards EBV with its smoke-screen effect. Help prevent and reduce thyroid cancer and remove radiation from the thyroid... even when the land seems barren, radishes uptake over 30 trace minerals from the earth that are specifically beneficial for revitalizing and strengthening the thyroid."

Tomatos: "Contain their own variety of Vitamin C that's bioavailable to the lymphatic system and liver, supports the immune system to keep it strong against EBV..." must be why I love pizza so much. Pizza has bazil, parsley, tomatoes, other antiviral spices and it's warm and fluffy.


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