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Showing posts from July, 2023

What are the largest economic-factors or quantum-choices in my life, that could positively help others?

What are the largest economic-factors or quantum-choices in my life, that could positively help others, and are equivalent or similar to the magnitude of when I chose to 'stop working' in 2020 coinciding with a plandemic? and then mentally chose to default on my loans payments because the government was offering a 'future' state of 'forgiveness'? What choices could I make that will impact not onli myself but, by the law of squares, everyone else in my fractal-kinetic-field/ my life? ~1: Offering all my knowledge, and everything I've mastered, and services-to-others without any conditions, so that I flood the world with an open-system dynamic instead of a closed-economic-capacitance-system. Openness. Offering it while keeping my capability to choose how I perform those services, but being unconditional about how much I must be compensated by the other, thus stepping out of the Rothschild's paradigm of limited-capacitance or rational-compensation, unlimiti

Several things that Humanity does not need from the cabal

Humans do not need to go to mars in 2030, in order to find some habitation. The Earth does not need to be depopulated in favor of the technocracy, which themselves are controlled by an satanic ancient terrestrial AI. Mars is a trap, a dead-end, a detour, a fakery. The cabal wants slavery to continue, but WE get to choose where the future goes, not them. We do not need to colonize another planet. This planet is not doomed. We do not need to digitize the human intellect in India in 2030.  We do not need higher-bandwidth 5G ionizing weapon, to wipe out our respiratory system, reproductive system, arteries, and heart. There would be no need for artificial lungs to be created in a lab in the future, if we knew that the virus was not a virus but a nanotechnology weapon. Start from the foundation and the facts, not the false-premises. Elon Musk is not a savior, he's just another controlled-opposition. We do not need a false-flag threat of alien-invasion; the aliens are already here, and

on the Digital dollar, and the possible Biden July 26 announcement:

The dollar has already been dropping like a fly the past few years. Installing a new fiat-currency dollar that is based on block-chain will help them do things like: - ban you from buying foods that the government dislikes, like red meat - ban you from buying books they don't ap-prove - make choices for you - control your transactions like a child - give you an allowance like a child, like they've already done with the plandemic. That's not the type of 'homeland security' I signed up for in America. Be conscious of what you want and choose consciously. Choose to value yourself based on things that are timeless, not tied to the vatican's trickery of using time to devalue money and your human-sweat-equity. Time is a control mechanism to control debt in the world, so the subterranean tenants can profit from the lack of self-value. The world outside of the US has been hating on America since we pulled out of Afghanistan and see America as the bully. The US has been

Knowledge is a double-edged sword

Knowledge is a double-edged sword on which many impale themselves. The mind onli knows how to cut and separate, because as itself alone, can never have or be anything of its own, it can onli cut everything else that is sees as the outer jungle. The mind can onli grasp things in duality, and loses sight of what is known deeper. Thus it is a tool as a veil that covers, and a tool as one that cuts, but never as one that knows what is meant to be covered, and what is meant to be cut. Wisdom is necessary to guide knowledge, else it becomes abuse of power. 'What is a good man but a bad man's teacher? What is a bad man but a good man's job? If you don't understand this, you will get lost, however intelligent you are.: It is the great secret.' Lao Tzu

Electrolytes, adding them to water for hydration

  Summer time. A lot of people have electrolytes imbalances. I drank distilled water for a while and I'm pretty sure it removed a lot of minerals, making me dehydrated when I thought I was hydrating. Which was dumb. Tri-salts can be added to water if you can't get natural or spring water. It is sad that water is sold in stores, when it is the most abundant and crucial element of human life and biology. But that's the way it is for city-dwellers. Tap water contains carcinogens, everywhere I've lived it's been that way. The municipal water is poisonous. Tapwater database: local-search:

Bashar's Follow-Your-Excitement-Formula: Syntax-Grammar-Translation.

For the driving-force and formative-natural-corrective-principle  of my highest-joy/[ex]citement and consistent-high-vibration-lifestyle-manifestation IS with the most-thrilling-doings [activities] by my momentari-choices.

2/4 hermit-opportunist not-self =

unconsciously feeling unaccepted > distracting myself with computer problems, or making music on my computer, all alone, when I could be working a job at BestBuy meeting people or going out to events like gymnastics, parks, etc. getting caught up in my little projector lack-of-energy problems with what to get or not get from the store that I cannot afford because I'm just focused on my own tiny problems instead of working with generators and seeing who they are, what they need, because unconsciously I felt that they didn't see what I saw them for last time. But the fact is nobody can see what i see, the way I see it.

Radiant Power produced by solid state Tesla hairpin circuit.