I think I finally solved the biggest problem in my life for the last decade. It's related to my heart, and teeth. I've been trying to prove myself, to women, because my body saw them as my primary caretaker, and yet I have an open heart; in human design, it's not me to try to prove myself. I will always burn out. And i certainly DID burn out. I've known it's my teeth for several months, because that's my Saturn in my Human Design. Saturn is the price-to-pay, for not following the Jupiter, which is the law and 'luck' of your design. Paying for dental and orthodontics is like the price I must pay. I wasn't able to produce enough adrenaline, nor digest the food in my stomach, nor operate my spleen at full-capacity to clean out toxins, and purify the iron-content in my blood, because the meridians on my teeth (see the diagram) were not flowing. But I feel like a racecar today, since I made a mouthguard which closed the gap between my back molars. They h...