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Showing posts from 2022

Amazing LEGO with ARDUINO Projects

Joe's Purpose-Statement: in the Quantum-Grammar.

 My Life's Mission-statement, based on the life-time-set-principles in my Human-Design-Rave-Chart: I guide others energy, to create a work of art, advance science, and evolve humanity. [For the guide of the other's energy, with the creation of the work-of-art, new-science-breakthroughs, and new-volumes in the human-history-chronicles.] naturally good at when I was young: music, piano.

On the waves of the financial-destitution: Christoff Report

1st wave: government shutting down and making trades difficult to raise prices, to raise pressure on people, who don't realize the prices are realizing. It's not waves of sickness you should be worried about; there's waves of inflationary pressure..." 2nd wave: "oh and we have to increase your taxes now; and we have to tax you back into the stone-age now" 3rd wave: "we also don't have enough materials to go around because production is low because the arsony on the manufacturing plants, and we're charging more for it."  

I stopped drinking milk for 4 years and became fatigued (Vitamin A deficiency)

I stopped drinking milk in and around 2018, periodically. I became very fatigued after a few months. Why? because the vitamin A content, specifically in the form of Retinol, which is stored in the liver; it regulates the hemoglobin which is correlated to oxygenation of the body = energy!  Some days I probably didn't get any vitamin A. Because I went vegan without knowing what I needed.  But then I started taking supplements that had the normal value of Beta Carotene, and felt a little better; but I started taking the ones that have iron in them, which is not necessary. Our bodies are already getting too much iron from most of our foods including cereal, meat, etc. We have an iron-recycling facility in the body called the reticuloendothelial system. Therefore we onli need about 1mg of iron, not 12! Instead we need more copper. It's the opposite.  But I enjoyed being off of lactose because I'm lactose-intolerant like most people. It helped my allergies immensly because it c

Gluten caused my teeth to get off track, my breathing to collapse

I remember thinking that allergies were something out there, or in the house that I couldn't control. I wondered why the rest of my family didn't have problems breathing for no apparent reason some days, when I did. Gluten > glue > poor-digestion > [autoimmune-reactions] body's-safety-system-self-harms > breathing and throat-airway-constriction > mouth-breathing causes malocclusion (see: mewing, orthotropics) > maloclusion causes other problems like further breathing-problems from lack of the correct-energy-flow-pathways. The allergies are actually coming from inside you, based on what you eat, at least much more than what is in the air with the pollen or dirt or animals.  Most allergies are just the peak of the iceberg, when the body is saying "I can't handle anymore! I have to sneeze."  It's what happens before you have allergies, that is the root-cause, not so much the allergies to a flower or dust or a cat. 

Seeing beneath the divide-and-conquer mechanism of the cabal

If the cabal is just splitting everyone down the middle to divide and conquer, making a false underdog out  of countries like Ukraine and Russia, then I need to be more egalitarian, or else my life would also suffer. Do the opposite of what the cabal is trying to do. Keep paying for gas. Keep eating healthy. Keep avoiding the mainstream-polluted-bloodstream-news. You only lose when you take sides. The cabal wants you to take sides. Because they don't take sides. They create sides by programming stupid conversations into your brain like "Pro life! No I like choice!" "Gun control!" "The economy is suffering!" "Gas is too high! Electric bikes look attractive!" They need you to take sides so they can use your power and your energy. Every battery has a positive and a negative polarity to it. The cabal just wants the whole battery. It has created the illusion of the right wing and the left, this and that country; the illusion that somebody in Unite

central-sleep-apnea, solved; Adrenals, solved; digestion and underweight-issue-solved;

I think I finally solved the biggest problem in my life for the last decade. It's related to my heart, and teeth. I've been trying to prove myself, to women, because my body saw them as my primary caretaker, and yet I have an open heart; in human design, it's not me to try to prove myself. I will always burn out. And i certainly DID burn out. I've known it's my teeth for several months, because that's my Saturn in my Human Design. Saturn is the price-to-pay, for not following the Jupiter, which is the law and 'luck' of your design. Paying for dental and orthodontics is like the price I must pay. I wasn't able to produce enough adrenaline, nor digest the food in my stomach, nor operate my spleen at full-capacity to clean out toxins, and purify the iron-content in my blood, because the meridians on my teeth (see the diagram) were not flowing.  But I feel like a racecar today, since I made a mouthguard which closed the gap between my back molars. They h

Graphene, in the vax and the sky: what to do about it; supplements

  I remember the Physicist Michio Kaku talking about Graphene. And I wondered, what it could be used for. And why I was watching that video. "We could even build an elevator to the sky [tower of babble-on] However, having these nanobots in our body, that is decades away!" Michio Kaku, in 2011!!! It's magnetic. That's why the sky is so fluorescent when it's thunderstorming these days.   Update: from a Human-Design perspective:   I have a hunch that the transit[ing]-gates opposing our own vehicle's-gates or specifically our Design's-gates, are a clue to which amino acids we need to consume more of to compensate for the electromagnetic-give-take between the body and the transits. For a sample: Cardiovascular/respiratory-symptoms: The past month, I noticed a lot of friends mentioned heart palpitations during the transits of 25 and 51, as well as my

: Sleep-apnea: solutions and healing, facial-development-theory and facts.

I'm not sleeping well now and I've had nightmares about drowning here and there since about 14 yrs old.  I remember waking up in the morning when I was a teen, trying to get up earlier than the other kids just so they wouldn't try to shame me about waking up later than them. 90% of those who have obstructive-sleep- apnea are undiagnosed. 65% to 80% of stroke patients also have Sleep-apnea. I couldn't admit to myself until recently, that I've had sleep apnea since I was a kid, periodically because of changes in growth versus the orthodontic treatment and teeth straightening procedures. I remember seeing a poster in a hallway before a school concert one night regarding the prevalence of sleep-apnea, but my mind rejected the possibility that I could be in that category. But my body knew there was something related to that.   I've always wondered if my teeth would have been better off without so much straightening from human hands and minds, if they were allowed to

Solar-Plexus-psychology: Fears of Criticism, or Loving without Expectations.

This post is inspired by Brian of the Reality Revolution Podcast, episode 1,003: "It is not the love you get it is the love you give."   Solar-Plexus-psychology ·         Am I trying to guess or read others minds when I’m in the public or groups? ·         Am I waiting to be in an echo chamber of compliments, before I can do my work and be creative, and move along? Conversely, am I too locked up to receive compliments at all? Am I looking for the mother's-love in every direction, or exuding it from within me, regardless of others behavior concerning me? ·         Is my lizard-brain controlling my every move and wrecking my life? Is my fear of criticism becoming a way to rationalize doing a poor job in my work, my music composition?  Am I being critical and judgmental, because deep down I know that someone else's behavior reflects my own poor behavior?

Why it is hard to earn a passive-income if your human-design-energy-type is also passive

Why it is hard to earn a passive-income if your human-design-energy-type is also passive (Projectors are passive, because: open-sacral-center): 1. You must wait for help or collaboration from another 2. It must be in a field you have mastered 3. You have to not be a control-freak about it or: Why it could be easier for the Projector: 1. Because others notice your mastery in that field, rather than having to market yourself to get things started. 2. And: you do not try to waste/burn-out your own variable-source of energy by foolishly starting a business yourself. 3. By not being a control-freak about it, the others will step in and do more of the work to help you both succeed. #humandesign #cashflow #business #investing #humandesignprojector #passiveincome

4th-Lines-Fractal-Marketing: how can I sell if my network is already fixed?

Fractal-4th-line-marketing. This is a summary of my theories on the online-marketing-strategies for the 4 th -line profiles, such as 4-6, 2-4, 1-4. This post was also inspired by Sam Ovens' Consulting Accelerator, Fractal Facebook Ads videos ( The combination with human design packs a powerful punch, getting down to the core of your identity and the genetic-core-level of your advertising.   Last month, someone broke into my car (or maybe I left it unlocked). During gate 37.6 in the transits. That’s the first time that’s ever happened. It kind of reflects my own open route center with gates 53 and 54; there’s a lot of pressure and desire to get rich or get things started and going. So when I think about someone who would break into my car and the neighbors' cars, I can actually have a lot of compassion and forbearance for them because they are reflecting a part of me that I haven’t maybe integrated yet and completely settled within myself. ~1: How do