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4th-Lines-Fractal-Marketing: how can I sell if my network is already fixed?


This is a summary of my theories on the online-marketing-strategies for the 4th-line profiles, such as 4-6, 2-4, 1-4.

This post was also inspired by Sam Ovens' Consulting Accelerator, Fractal Facebook Ads videos ( The combination with human design packs a powerful punch, getting down to the core of your identity and the genetic-core-level of your advertising.  

Last month, someone broke into my car (or maybe I left it unlocked). During gate 37.6 in the transits. That’s the first time that’s ever happened. It kind of reflects my own open route center with gates 53 and 54; there’s a lot of pressure and desire to get rich or get things started and going. So when I think about someone who would break into my car and the neighbors' cars, I can actually have a lot of compassion and forbearance for them because they are reflecting a part of me that I haven’t maybe integrated yet and completely settled within myself.

~1: How does this relate to marketing?

This even made me realize that I’m not impenetrable to people I don’t know, just because I'm a 4th line; therefore the reverse is true; advertising to my fractal is possible, it just needs the right variables, and this is performed differently than most advertising budgets are set up. But the difference is that before, I thought I might not be able to advertise at all, because I needed to network with people, like word of mouth or going to clubs. I remember when I was into entrepreneurship, I met tons of random people which were NOT in my 4th line by going to networking events. 

No, the network is already there, like the spider web already is set up. You just have to find the most efficient way of using your capital (energy) if you're going to pay for advertising.

Most advertising doesn’t get to me because I use ad blockers. But the only ads online from which I’ve bought expensive courses were usually 4/6 profiles.

When you are selling something online, your entire frequency comes across to people in your writing and in your speaking and that frequency reflects the lines in your human design profile. So if you’re a fourth line design, then anyone could be part of your network, but the important thing is that you’re not trying to be a fist line body or a six line body or any other line design except a 4th line body.

Once you know that, you can find the parameters of your body’s frequency and how it attracts people on a platform; Ra Uru Hu told projectors to have a platform, so organic social media marketing is a great foundation for businesses like consulting.

And of course, you need to know yourself, and what you're selling; as well as have a clear picture (avatar) in your mind of who you're network looks like, what they want, who they are becoming.

But when you're planning to scale your business, instead of just doing 1-on-1 work, you need advertising. So if you’re not sure if you should invest in advertising as a 4th line projector, then I would say the answer is yes you can still do it. But you will need to do it better than any other advertisers. Specifically, it must be done with higher quality than the general advertisers who go for average results, and have lots of capital to waste, an unfocused and wide level of accuracy for the public which use homogenized-average-level-ads;

In other words, general advertising methods are not aimed at the fourth line network. It’s like a castle. General advertising is average, it’s built for the collective. 4th line is often weird. Consider the Grateful Dead, or any indie band. They have a small network of people who love them, and the rest of the world doesn’t even know about them. Seth Godin reminds me of 4th-line marketing. He writes a blog post every day, not because it’s efficient, but because his network is expecting it to be there.

So the strategy is to write ads, and ad copy differently than most advertising is written; it means writing uniquely as you; or if your authority says no, it might mean not advertising at all.

~2: Who is in my Network? Who is Not?

The short answer is; we don’t know until we begin the selling and get the data; even then, we must collect enough data to know whether we are bluffing ourselves or not.

So do customers have to be 4th lines as well? no, they just have to be part of your fractal network. And you’ll know by how they mesh with you.

If you have a 4th-line-profile, as a 2nd line mind, you can still consciously choose what to sell; you just need to know your fractal’s advertising-threshold and network-mechanics. And know yourself. And wait for others to project onto your mind.

~3: Writing copy according to your design:

If you have mostly collective gates, don’t try to write to an audience that is tribal or individual. If you’re mostly individual, don’t try to write things that apply or appeal to the collective, the general public. Just be yourself, basically. Don’t write with your mind. Write in concordance with your vehicle’s design-crystal, not your mind.

~4: Fractal-Quantum-Threshold of the -4th-line-field with the breakthrough by the paid-capital-advertising.

You need more money, as a 4th-line/opportunist, in order to break through the threshold of all the other people who are not in your network.

And, spending more may look like you’ve just scratching the surface. But as you spend more, the algorithms will get locked on, and it will be exponential until the hit-rate (click-through-rate) of your advertising becomes profitable. It may take some tweaking but it’s not the same objectives as general marketing.

The 4th line is fixed, rigid. It’s like a threshold.

Some courses and books I’ve taken that grabbed me immediately, were because they were part of my specific network; that doesn’t mean they were only for 4th lines. But my fractal was...smaller but more concentrated. It packs a larger bang per buck. And that’s why it takes a larger bang per buck.


Some good books to read on the art of advertising:

Breakthrough Advertising

Scientific Advertising by Claude C. Hopkins



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