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I stopped drinking milk for 4 years and became fatigued (Vitamin A deficiency)

I stopped drinking milk in and around 2018, periodically. I became very fatigued after a few months. Why? because the vitamin A content, specifically in the form of Retinol, which is stored in the liver; it regulates the hemoglobin which is correlated to oxygenation of the body = energy! 

Some days I probably didn't get any vitamin A. Because I went vegan without knowing what I needed. 

But then I started taking supplements that had the normal value of Beta Carotene, and felt a little better; but I started taking the ones that have iron in them, which is not necessary. Our bodies are already getting too much iron from most of our foods including cereal, meat, etc. We have an iron-recycling facility in the body called the reticuloendothelial system. Therefore we onli need about 1mg of iron, not 12! Instead we need more copper. It's the opposite. 

But I enjoyed being off of lactose because I'm lactose-intolerant like most people. It helped my allergies immensly because it cleans up the intestines. We're not designed to be eating other animal's milk. But because I was so sidelined about being vegan, it hurt me dearly. The onli way to lose is to take a side.

Morley says: "98% of our daily iron requirements come from the iron R.E.cycling System and not our diet.  Contrary to the beliefs bantered about on the Internet. We are meant to recycle our iron, not keep eating it!"


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