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Graphene, in the vax and the sky: what to do about it; supplements


I remember the Physicist Michio Kaku talking about Graphene. And I wondered, what it could be used for. And why I was watching that video.

"We could even build an elevator to the sky [tower of babble-on] However, having these nanobots in our body, that is decades away!" Michio Kaku, in 2011!!!

It's magnetic. That's why the sky is so fluorescent when it's thunderstorming these days.
Update: from a Human-Design perspective:
I have a hunch that the transit[ing]-gates opposing our own vehicle's-gates or specifically our Design's-gates, are a clue to which amino acids we need to consume more of to compensate for the electromagnetic-give-take between the body and the transits.

For a sample:
Cardiovascular/respiratory-symptoms: The past month, I noticed a lot of friends mentioned heart palpitations during the transits of 25 and 51, as well as myself having trouble sleeping for lack of my meridians and circulation for the relaxation of my parasympathetic system. Blood-circulation is affected by electromagnetic fields, and graphene-dioxide which is sprayed in the sky and exists in certain spike-proteins is semi-conductive = magnetic = disruption of the magnetic field causing breathing problems. Therefore, supplementing L-Arginine could help the cardiovascular system cope with gate 25, and I feel better when I have beef because it has the highest amount of that amino acid, but there are many other foods with it as well such as pumpkin seeds.


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