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Showing posts from October, 2024

Joe's economic journal

 Joe's economic journal: Autumn: low on cash again; the tires went out at the beginning of September; things are definitely squaring away. How do i find my value if I've run out again? According ot the Silent Weapons for Wars, my best bet is in the economic model of SERVICES which represents the coil. what do I know about coils? That's what an antenna is. I need to be okay with being stationary, and just knowing things. But how do I increase my economic capacitance with others? funnels didn't work. Only things that I do for my network, like making music, sometimes worked. And usually when I was excited to do them. But that still may not be the most ideal, making music on bandcamp is in my past now. What's now? What does my network/market, that fractal need?   Am I torn between being a projector versus being part of society and working when I need to? I better be open to whatever I need to do. But I just feel like I wanted to be home more, rather than driving around ...

Intolerance: Gate ~04, Human Design charts: my conditioning experience with intolerant locations

My girlfriend's bodygraph held the gate 04, which when in the negative configuration gives the meaning "intolerance." Everything I've done at this house is sort of a fractal of that period when I was with her, because we bought this house then, or shortly after, and my mom's partner also had that gate. The positive or so-called benign manifestation of that gate is 'forgiveness.' So I transferred from the college I was at when I came to this house (intolerance) and carried a fractal of that energy to the new college I was at: Belmont: founded on a girls-only school, Baptist, very traditional, don't mess around, don't go to hell, (no room for error == intolerance). so what positive values did I attach to 'intolerance'? After college, I didn't want to come home, because I didn't want to tolerate the... intolerance of this location, so I found a masculine figure (channel of logic is my Dad's channel) Sam Ovens, and he taught me how ...

Root-canal-teeth may hinder Orthodontics treatment; Faster healing with Rife frequencies (continued from prev. post)

This is a summary of the things I've discovered from orthodontic treatment, and dental treatment, including what both of them could not see, and solutions I've found. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION: Ortho patients can stimulate their bones with 120 hz, gums with 85 hz, on a tone-generator rather than wait until the Chinese meridian activation at 7-9pm to stimulate tissue-regrowth, and; neither the dentist or the orthodontist realized that my bite was off because my root-canal-tooth is fractured or dead and slipping. That was up to me to see and respond to. DOCUMENT: Society and the health care systems function based on commonly held beliefs, or principles, which are often assumptions or gaps. People live in a state of delusion, surfing on the ice of things without getting to the roots of the problems. I couldn't get the correct treatment for my teeth because I was expecting the orthodontist to know what to do, and he was expecting the dentist to know what is in their domain, and vice v...