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Showing posts from December, 2023

I have nothing, NOTHING to prove.

I don't have anything to demonstrate, unlike my childhood religion made me believe, because it was based on their configuration not mine; I don't have anything or anybody to convince; I don't even have to explain anything; I don't have any tests in life that I must pass; I have nothing, NOTHING to prove, because I have an open heart center in my bodygraph [Human Design Chart]. As for you, I don't know. But those are my facts. If the above is true, I don't even need a claim-of-life to certify where I was born so I can travel my whirld; I don't need to write sentences in frontwards-backwards-certifiable-grammar to prove my point; and that's what pissed me off so much because I was trying to prove myself, but it was not-[my]-self that I tried to [pro]ve. If I cannot find something, it's not because I ahven't tried hard enough; it's just because I don't [f]actually need to find the facts on the material plane; I only need to know, ~28.4 what...

Coconut oil is NOT for oil pullling; refined sunflower or sesame oil are

This is a transcript from an interview with Robert Von Sarbacher, transcribed with my own inserts and grammatically similar but not exact, from the time-stamp, approximately 51:00 through 54:53. [ Coconut oil does not work for oil pulling! does not pull poisons out of the blood, only the two above work [refined sesame or refined sunflower oil]. this research is from the 60's. the last time a guy put together the symposium for naturalpaths and doctors... even Dr. Christopher says Coconut oil will never pull poisons out of your body. as people 'age' their teeth start to point the wrong angle toward the gums and lips... the FLOW OF THE TEETH-JAW-GUM direction is healthy going towards the teeth; vice versa. Alternative dentists know about this. the way that jaw-to-gum-to-teeth work, the nutrients are always going in one [parallel] direction. when you start to have opposite directions the nutrients are going in opposite flow. you can measure this with proper alternative  dentist...