I live in the upper-East side of my neighborhood, Azalea park. This is correlative with the map of the human body, the bodygraph, in the same orientation; gate 29 matches the name of the neighborhood, Lake Barton Shores, but the lake is south of me, and our house is in the location of gate-~46, the love of the flesh; there are lots of power-lines and we're West of the highway, which is the bargain, ~37-~40, people looking for their Way on the material plane. There's a sign over the highway that says "I Chose Reputation" which means "I chose to live in transference, avoiding my own truth in my solar plexus, and this is a sign showing where others can follow me in my delusion." My body is always feeling like I'm in a dishwasher when I'm here, because it's connecting 46 with my 29.3 to the power lines and hot-boxes, electricity, electronics in our house, our new metal roof, the solar panels, gadgets and gizmos. So when I sleep in my car by Little L...