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Showing posts from October, 2023

The split and my teeth; fragmented bondings, fragmented commitments, self-knowledge, seeing-correct

I thought I needed braces, but I really needed a filling to fix a fragmented bonding. I blamed everyone, because I was disconnected from my stomach and my lungs and crucial organs. I didn't realize how much I couldn't smell or taste. I became a better cook to compensate, for sure. It was just an experience. Ignorance of the self has its price. Every hu-man is powerful, but self-destructive if we cannot see correct. Seeing is being. My lungs, large intestine, things weren't functioning correct. That was the beginning of the split in consciousness. Or it was me holding on, by failing to confront the root of the problem. We must work together. But we must also know ourselves to be able to collaborate with the other, selfs.


[ 1:  I stopped eating grains including oatmeal [unfortunately] because they have the highest concentration of nano-materials from chemtrails-fallout, NASA spraying chemicals and metals in the air to "see where the weather patterns go" and nano-materials used to monitor growth and insect populations on produce from remote-control. All produce has the most nanos, but most of all is grains. Learned about this from Tony Pantelleresco.  Pizza usually has a lot of rice in it even if it's gluten-free, unfortunately. The bloating and brain-fog went away fast when I stopped eating grains. [rice, oatmeal, etc] 2: I also avoid gluten. It took a long time for me to find the foods I needed without that, but once I figured out what my body needs and how to get it without gluten, THAT CHANGED MY LIFE.  Before that, I was always sneezing, and I live in Florida. Astrologically, it's right on my Saturn location, which means I have a lot of power opposing my stomach [my Chiron]. That&#

Living on the Channel-of-Discovery

 I live in the upper-East side of my neighborhood, Azalea park. This is correlative with the map of the human body, the bodygraph, in the same orientation; gate 29 matches the name of the neighborhood, Lake Barton Shores, but the lake is south of me, and our house is in the location of gate-~46, the love of the flesh; there are lots of power-lines and we're West of the highway, which is the bargain, ~37-~40, people looking for their Way on the material plane. There's a sign over the highway that says "I Chose Reputation" which means "I chose to live in transference, avoiding my own truth in my solar plexus, and this is a sign showing where others can follow me in my delusion." My body is always feeling like I'm in a dishwasher when I'm here, because it's connecting 46 with my 29.3 to the power lines and hot-boxes, electricity, electronics in our house, our new metal roof, the solar panels, gadgets and gizmos. So when I sleep in my car by Little L