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Paying the Bills: by living my blueprint

It does seem like god/life/Spirit responds to my desires, at least to the one's that are in the flow of all creation; and dovetails my desires with what matches others, especially when it's coming from my heart and full design, not just my mind! then I get things like piano accompanying when I need them etc... so when it comes to paying my bills, I'm holding a mixed vibration of "I really don't want to have to work to pay off all of my student loans. I really don't know if I have enough energy to pay my credit card bills and car loan this month... I can't imagine having enough to pay rent either."   but when it comes down to it, I don't need to fear about my lack of energy, because I'm always supplied with the necessary energy from others, IF I'm following my design: wait for the invitation.  So it's a matter of holding my new vibration of service-to-others without the fear that I'm not going to have enough energy.   For the support

How can I be of service today?

how can I give to others today? doesn’t have to be money, or huge sums of energy. i can stop being afraid of and rationalizing my energy/time so much. i don’t have to be a hero to start serving others. I dedicate this blog post to serving others.  The way i serve is often different all the time because I carry the cross of Penetration 2, all about new beginnings.

:Human-Design: Heart-Center = :Trying-to-prove-yourself / burning-out / proving-yourself-right: not-self.

Maybe I will get a different car when I stop trying to prove myself! Law of One says, when the mental catalyst is not processed by the mental, it is given to the physical illusion. So I have a red car, and my bank account is in the red. The fixed heart center is red in human design... I was trying to prove myself to my mom when she told me to go out and buy a car with financing, instead of getting a used car. Before then, I wasn't under so much pressure every month. 28.4 is also the same number as the date that my car payment is due each month...   28 is the gate of the game-player. it's all about communicating with my 4th line, instead of trying to prove myself... in the court, the paperwork, the documents, the proof.   'where the heart is, there will your treasure be also.' An open heart, needs to stay open, not try to be fixed/fixedness.  


I'm really good at fundraising. From my parents. Which is part of my 4th line.  I usually pay it back. Eventually.  But hey, I'm a projector. I'm here to guide, not work; play and perform. It's not like I'm purposely lazy, although I am that way by design. Would you ask a tree to be a mountain? Would you ask an apple to be an orange? We can only be what we are, and that's what we do best. And there's plenty of room inside who we truly are, to share with everyone. With love, Joe

Projectors need to play, perform, guide others, not work.

Projectors guide with their knowledge and recognition of patterns, not waste their energy mimicking generators. They don\"t generate energy, so they must observe it correct in order to get any energy, that is why it is so valuable to projectors. When it comes to finances and money, the current monetary system is setup form the beginning to put you in debt from the moment you are born. Thus the meaning of "born into sin." Financial sin= missing the mark. So how do you get out ? By going inside your design, and making choices from your inner-authority, not from the public opinion of reality. Cashflow quadrant by Robert Kiosaki:   Most people work for money, and it buys them a little bit of time to survive. Not thrive.  Lucky people, if they’re generators, have enough energy to do lots of work to earn lots of money to earn lots of time. Projectors must quit that. Just stop it. Your injuring yourself and you know it. All because you had to prove it or something that your min

How does one value the self?

How does one value the self? What is one's natural identity? Where is security of the self? Does the geometry of all that is, care about its identity? Are you not part of the whole circle? Fear of tomorrow is like a bird who flies away from the flock because it thinks tomorrow there will be no food, that the other birds are leading him astray. In thinking, he stops living. If you let others define the meaning of word, success, they will always be in charge of your success. If you let others define your life as successful or unsuccessful, the bank, the job, the markets, the crops, the tides, public opinion, will control your success and be external from you. What is your natural value? Does it come from within or without? Will you choose fear or choose love? Will you choose what is today, or be in fear of tomorrow? Will the illusion of space and time bring one to rituals and worship of the means to an end? Or will life radiate superabundance, mystery and majesty? When one values the