It does seem like god/life/Spirit responds to my desires, at least to the one's that are in the flow of all creation; and dovetails my desires with what matches others, especially when it's coming from my heart and full design, not just my mind! then I get things like piano accompanying when I need them etc...
so when it comes to paying my bills, I'm holding a mixed vibration of "I really don't want to have to work to pay off all of my student loans. I really don't know if I have enough energy to pay my credit card bills and car loan this month... I can't imagine having enough to pay rent either."
but when it comes down to it, I don't need to fear about my lack of energy, because I'm always supplied with the necessary energy from others, IF I'm following my design: wait for the invitation.
So it's a matter of holding my new vibration of service-to-others without the fear that I'm not going to have enough energy.
For the support of the others with the power of their sacral-center IS with the faith/knowledge in the service-to-others with the life-choices and correct-thoughts/[e]motions by my blueprint or: Human-Design-Mechanics.
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