Bashar says follow your excitement to the max and you will find synchronicities because it raises your vibratory level to that level [of love and oneness]. Whereas when we are in avoidance-mode, we are not following our true-self, nor our bliss, and although the matrix-world rewards being average, average is a synonym for mean; don't be mean to yourself, you're not helping anyone and this world needs extroardinary people.
Following my excitement to the max wherever it leads me, has indeed led me to unexpected changes and although it seems chaotic at first, especially how I do it, it drastically transforms my self, if not my environment as well.
I have met new people that showed me new pieces of myself I needed to integrate, not because I was working hard or being hard on myself, but because I was returning to my music, my muse and taking steps even if they weren't right in the long-run, they were correct in the now.
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