I remember the Physicist Michio Kaku talking about Graphene. And I wondered, what it could be used for. And why I was watching that video. "We could even build an elevator to the sky [tower of babble-on] However, having these nanobots in our body, that is decades away!" Michio Kaku, in 2011!!! It's magnetic. That's why the sky is so fluorescent when it's thunderstorming these days. https://youtu.be/zroyr-Q9f_o https://www.ftwproject.com/uncategorized/how-to-remove-graphene-oxide-from-the-body/ Update: from a Human-Design perspective: I have a hunch that the transit[ing]-gates opposing our own vehicle's-gates or specifically our Design's-gates, are a clue to which amino acids we need to consume more of to compensate for the electromagnetic-give-take between the body and the transits. For a sample: Cardiovascular/respiratory-symptoms: The past month, I noticed a lot of friends mentioned heart palpitations during the transits of 25 and 51, as well as my...